Chicago Symphony OrchestraCynthia YehReview

Chicago Classical Review: “Gaffigan led a taut and concentrated performance”

By October 4, 2019 October 8th, 2019 No Comments

Here are some highlights from the Chicago Classical Review of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s Dorman Eternal Rythm (USA premiere) and Shostakovich’s 8th symphony:

“Gaffigan led a well-prepared and alert accompaniment by Yeh’s orchestra colleagues. Dorman’s concerto proved a big hit with the audience, earning warm applause and vociferous cheers and repeated curtain calls for Yeh and the composer…Gaffigan led a taut and concentrated performance that indicated he knew where he was going in this sprawling yet intricate work…Gaffigan’s direction was most impressive in the challenge of the connected final movements—plumbing the deep interior rumination of the Largo’s hushed variations and making the final Allegretto into much more than just an amiably galumphing irrelevance…That quiet closing section was finely controlled by Gaffigan and beautifully played by all sections, the ensuing silence held by the conductor to strong effect. A powerful and illuminating Shostakovich performance from Gaffigan and the orchestra, with Batallán and his trumpet colleagues, piccoloist Jennifer Gunn and all four flutes among the standout contributors.” -Chicago Classical Review, full review here.